picture of a alien head If they're out there, we will find them! picture of Derrel Sims

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little alien behind barsMass Abductions

little alien behind barsChild Abductions

little alien behind barsPresentations/Training

Derrel W. Sims C.M.Ht., R.H.A.

Mr. Sims is a true pioneer in the investigation of the abduction phenomenon. His work, over more than 27 years, has resulted in the recovery (surgical or otherwise) of 11 alleged alien implants, an alleged artifact from the Roswell Crash, a wealth of remarkable knowledge as well as innovative procedures for the study of this phenomenon.

Mr. Sims emphasizes the necessity of obtaining hard physical evidence and the analyzation of that evidence by non-UFO related scientific and medical professionals. It is his focus to bring credible findings to the scientific and medical communities for objective empirical scrutiny. Through the cooperative effort of scientists and medical professionals who compose his board of advisors, Mr. Sims is achieving what has never before been accomplished in this remarkable study.

After a year of review, Mr. Sims' work was selected for use in an interactive display area for the Space, UFO, Science and Technology Center for the city of Hakui, Japan. Mr. Sims, who is the Director of Abductions Investigations and of Physical Investigation for the Houston UFO Network, for years has provided investigations and hypnotherapy at no charge to persons involved in alleged abduction and human/alien contact events. His remarkable knowledge and unique approach to the phenomenon has earned him lecturing and teaching engagements to a list of countries including France, England, Russia and Hungary. Mr. Sims has presented before 250 medical doctors at a major hospital regarding medical implications on the phenomenon. He has presented a paper and others papers are being written on his work.

Mr. Sims has been sought out as a technical advisor for films and movies which contain alien and/or abduction scenes. He has appeared on television and on numerous radio programs and has been the subject of scores of articles. Derrel Sims' pioneering work in the alien and abduction phenomenon and his discovery of alleged artifacts may someday be the foundation for major discoveries in the fields of science and technology in the years to come.

If you have medical or physical evidence including pictures, film, objects, x-rays, substances, etc. that you believe may be somehow connected to this phenomenon please respond by calling or writing to the number or address below.

Saber Enterprises
P.O. Box 60944
Houston, TX 77205
Voice Mail: 1-713-587-5455


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